lunes, 14 de enero de 2013

Adverbs of frecuency

1.George and Joe read after having lunch. (sometimes)
George and Joe sometimes read after having lunch.

2. Liz is very tired because she works a lot. (usually)
Liz is usually tired because she works a lot.

3. Mark and Alan are hungry. (often)
Mark and Adam are often hungry.

4. My grandfather goes for a walk after breakast. (always)
My grandfather always goes for a walk after breakfast.

5. My children help me in the kitchen. (usually)
My children usually can help me.

6. I watch TV in the morning. (never)
I never watch TV in the morning

7. Tom is never at home. (never)
Tom is never at home.

8. Jim is late. (often)
Jim is often late.

9. I take a too long shower. (always)
I take always a too long shower.

10. Tina arrives on time. (usually)
Tina usully arrives on time.

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